Thursday, July 15, 2010

(Very) strange vehicles

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

Let's start off with this Ford truck, a very unusual passenger vehicle, as, unlike other colective means of transportation, it was not concieved to circulate a road or a landing board. For years, it was used to transport passengers from the airplane to the airport in Zürich, Switzerland. Nowadays, it is part of a collection at the Lucerne Museum of Transports.

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

In spite of its futuristic look, and of looking like a concept car, the T-Rex has been in production for over ten years. It's actually a tricycle and a creation by Campagna Corporation, in Quebec, Canada. For more information, visit this website.

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

On the other hand, the extremely sporty Covini C6W, built in 2005, seems to have more wheels than the ones needed... The following models are not the creation, but the personalization of existing models. You can certainly recognize them.

 Carros Automoveis Originais Criatividade Originalidade  Estranhos

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original

 Cars Automobiles Creativity Strange Original